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Dentista a Budapest

Siete alla ricerca di un buon dentista a Budapest? Se la risposta è affermativa potete rivolgervi allo studio del dottor Roka.

Il centro di implantologia dentale Roka di Budapest è un centro specialistico a cui affidare la cura dei propri denti.

I servizi offerti dallo studio sono numerosi: dall'ortodonzia per i bambini all'ortodonzia per gli adulti, dalle protesi dentarie fisse a quelle mobili, passando per estrazione e devitalizzazione dei denti, pulizia e sbiancamento.

Il vero punto di forza dello studio Roka è poi rappresentato dall'implantologia dentale. Chiunque cerchi un dentista a Budapest esperto in implantologia dentale non potrà che rivolgersi al dott. Gianpaolo Roka.

Il suo centro è infatti uno degli studi maggiormente all'avanguardia per l'implantologia a carico immediato. Come già saprete, questa metodica consente al paziente di recuperare il sorriso perduto ed al contempo la funzionalità della bocca di un tempo senza dolore ed in pochissimo tempo.

Dunque l'implantologia a carco imediato restituisce la voglia di sorridere e di mangiare senza provare più disagio o fastidio. Roka si è specializzato in tale tecnica, che chiaramente non è però l'unico motivo valido per cui affidarsi alle cure del dottore.

La sua esperienza consolidata, una attenzione particolare verso il paziente, il continuo aggiornamento scientifico, permettono al dottor Roka di essere un punto di riferimento a Budapest nel settore dell'odontoiatria.


Fue hair transplant abroad

Thousands of people all over the world face this same problem every day: HAIRFALL. It can be inherited or happening by the age, but one thing is sure: it is a shocking and serious problem in the life of those who must face it each and every day.  The only guaranteed method of anti-bolding is hair transplant which is becoming a more and more popular intervention around the world. In the United States the revolutionary method invented by Dr. James Harris has been applied for several years, in Europe it was used by the clinicians of Hungary for the first time. Watch this sequence of hair transplant videos on

Hair transplant is a very old science, but only became a sophisticated method at the beginning of the millennium. While long ago it was a major plastic surgery with permanent scars afterwards, by now it is an outpatient intervention and the surgery is performed under local anesthesia. For the patient only the first mosquito bite-like anesthetic injection can be unpleasant, thereafter, however, they do not feel any pain. Information on other, non surgical ways of hair growth on!

Nowadays there are three methods of hair transplant procedures available for doctors. Fortunately the slightly outdated so called strip method full of cuts and strips cut out is rarely applied. In contrast, during the technique FUE groups of 2-5 hairs are put from the nape which are completely insensitive to hormonal effects so they never fall out. This process was refined by Dr. James Harris which basically means that instead of the knife a blunt-ended special mini-drill lifts out the drafts. This way, only scars not visible to the naked eyes remain and hair cannot be damaged while obtaining them.  The SafeSystem FUE method spreads like wildfire not only in the United States but also in Europe.

The clinicians of Hungarian Hair Clinics help the German PureHair and the Slovakian Medi-Klinik with their professional experience and assume a key role in certain major surgeries. Thanks to their work, the new SafeSystem technique became so popular in Germany that it is now available in seven major cities to patients. Definitely joyous news, that Hungarian doctors play such an important role in Europe in such a discipline.

You may wonder if it is worth going abroad for hair restoration. The answer is definitely yes, provided you want to save 3000 euros or more on your hair transplant.  To find out more on hair transplant costs visit and get a better understanding of benefits and risks. If you live in Ireland we have good news: you can meet your hair doctor during a free consultation


What is yagya?

Yagya (otherwise known as yajna) is a word and a concept that has been an integral part of Hinduism since the Vedic periods. Originally a ritual that is heavily reliant on the use of light and fire, the word yagya designates an act that is a spiritual experience and performance carried out with an aim to praise the gods and deities of the Hindu faith.

The practice of yagya dates as far back as the Vedic period (1500 – 500 BC), an era named after the birth of the first written scriptures of Hinduism. This alone indicates that yagya is a very integral and deep rooted element of the religion, having been a part of it for several millennia.

The ritual can either be performed individually or collectively, meaning that it is either carried out by a single person or a group. Perhaps the most important part of yagya is the Agni, the sacrificial fire that is named after the Hindu god of fire, which is required for the mantras and the verses to be chanted. The purpose of yagya is, very simply put, to make the gods happy and please them with the performed sacrificial act. The fire also acts as a kind of mediator between the material and the spiritual worlds: it is used to deliver the message to the deities as fast as possible.

The material part of the sacrifice (the things that are offered and then poured into the fire as oblations) might include grains, vegetables, butter or other aliments. Vedic yagyas are usually carried out by priests or religiously qualified people, and generally are performed with bigger means and aspects in mind, such as the wellbeing and betterment of society or a certain group of people. Yagyas can also carried out in a domestic form by an individual with more personal and secular matters on the line.

 Yagyas can also be used for personal purposes, meaning that several companies or collectives offer services to be carried out by vedic pandits (specially trained and qualified experts of Vedic traditions), and serve the resolution of the personal problems of the customer, or aim specific goals set by the clients. That being said, vedic yagyas are an ancient and spiritual form of an aid to reach our objectives and desires, to get a spiritual support and blessing in respect to what we would like to achieve or obtain in life – as in everyday life and also as a whole.

There are many international companies and services that offer the performance of vedic yagyas and vedic astrology, many of which are trusted experts on Vedic heritage and traditions.
